The impact on the growth of the flock is irreversible and once too long, it is simply impossible to compensate back at a later stage. This is demonstrated by the following.
First of all, humidity reaches more than 80%, the temperature within a certain boundary, each degree of rise, will lead to a 1.5%-4% drop in chicken feed, so that the early chicks do not eat enough material, affecting growth and development.
Secondly, because the chicken sweat glands are not developed, high temperature and high humidity, can only through rapid open-mouth breathing to tracheal heat dissipation, and the chicken's respiratory rate is accelerated, the carbon dioxide in the blood will be too much, which can easily cause respiratory alkalosis, so sometimes you will find that the chickens are easily excited, individual twitchy chickens.
Rapid breathing also tends to lead to insufficient lung ventilation and lack of oxygen to the organism, resulting in pulmonary stasis and edema.
Again, as high temperature and high humidity will reduce the concentration of immunoglobulins in the blood of chickens, the number of macrophages will also be reduced, and the ability of chickens to phagocytose external antigens will be reduced, thus inverting the immunity of chickens to decline, and easily stimulate viruses or form secondary infections.
Finally high temperature and high humidity, the most likely to occur when the chickens come back on the bath, especially when the water temperature is low, the chickens will feel cool when drinking water, and then the water will soak the feathers, which in turn leads to the chickens cold.
In addition, high temperature and high humidity, the environment of bacteria, mold, etc. will also multiply rapidly, thus indirectly causing the chicken body disease, is also a very important factor, such as the common adenomyelitis, mycobacterial enteritis, etc.
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